The Hacker’s MBA

It’s easier than ever to take your idea, validate it in the wild and bootstrap your own startup / side-project / product. Worst-case scenario – you get a metric tonne of real-world know-how and an amazing experience.

Fall down 7 times, get up 8.

Pull it off, and you get to leave a dent in the universe.

You might have already noticed, but I want to underline the exponential pace at which technology is disrupting everything we do. It’s rewiring our culture. Technology is making traditional jobs obsolete and at the same time, the tools, the knowledge, and distribution channels that used to be tied up in institutions are now available to individuals like you and me.

We all get to make our own things. We get to remix ideas and use the tech to share it with the world.

Building a website and launching a product used to take developers weeks to implement. Now anybody can do it with a few clicks and $1 for a domain name. We can learn to code and build apps in a month. The 4-year undergrad course turns out well-rounded individuals but it’s no longer enough. Fortunately, you can watch Stanford and MIT lectures online for free to level up.

Technology is even disrupting the business model itself. Traditional business plans have been replaced with agile business frameworks like the Lean Startup methodology and Pirate Metrics. It’s exponentially cheaper to get started and even if you do need some startup capital, you can crowdfund your project and simultaneously build an audience of early adopters as a side-effect.

We’re entering an age where being an indie entrepreneur isn’t just possible, it’s probably the best course of action to thrive in this whole new distributed economy.

Thing is, it takes some skill and experience to turn the raw ingredients into a Michelin-star meal. You need to turn all this theory into practice.

So I’ve hand-picked some kickass videos and case studies from the thought-leaders do-leaders and growth hackers who are successfully building things and changing the world on their own terms.

You’ll be inspired by Gavin Strange, Aaron Draplin, Robin Chase, Steve Jobs, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Derek Sivers, Pieter Levels, Dan Ariely, Simon Sinek, Patrick Collison, Steve Blank, Sophia Amoruso… and a growing list of others.

It’s called the Hacker’s MBA*, and since it cost me nothing to create, you get it all for free. It’s pretty ghetto right now – there’s no fancy packaging, just a bunch of links. But it’s good stuff. Potentially life-changing.

– Marc
Founder Hackerpreneur

*Needless to say, this isn’t a bona-fide MBA. But if you really need the certificate so that you can work at McKinsey and can handle $106,000/yr for tuition fees, there’s always Harvard.

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